click backwards

Game: freecell
Game #: 778177783
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_2) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.0.2 Safari/605.1.15
JS-Version: 2019-04-07_15:46:35_-0700_fd8dc0008ec81e4e5b7ec0e262803a256e5df53b

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

clicker suddenly back clicks returning cards to previous positions.



    On a Mac, clicking with two fingers is the same as undo. This often happens unexpectedly if you accidentally have a finger touching the track pad and then you click, like usual, with your standard finger. Once you notice yourself doing this, not only can you stop it from happening when you don’t want it, but you can employ it when you do, and you won’t have to reach for the undo button any more!

    Have fun,

  • Thanks. I hate using the undo on my Mac and then going to my windows and having it on the keyboard.

  • I only recently discovered that a right click on a PC is the same as's a feature, not a bug.

    edited May 2019

    @Fireweed, the keyboard shortcuts work on Mac as well, or I wouldn’t even be able to play. :smile: Like most Mac programs, we support ⌘-z for undo, ⌘-Z for redo. We also support ⌘-a for auto play.

    And for those who switch back and forth between Macs and PCs we support Control-z, etc. as well. And even then you can leave off the modifiers completely and just use z, Z, and a.

    To go along with right click for undo, you can click off of any card for auto play. I don’t think we have a non-keyboard shortcut for redo. We are open to suggestions. Maybe we support middle click for redo, but who has a middle button to even test that with any more? Not I.

    If you can’t find a particular card, I think we still support typing the card name to highlight it, e.g. 3s to find the three of spades.

  • Good to know! I usually use Control-z but just tried z only. Easier!


    Also "x" is redo, so I tend to hit plain "z" for undo and "x" for redo. They're next to each other so I think of them as the left key going backwards and the right key going forward.

  • I play on an iPad mini. No keyboard. No clicks. I wonder if you could make the ‘undo’ button larger? I never use the ‘pause’ intentionally, but often hit it un-intentionally when I want to undo moves, because it is so big.

    edited May 2019

    The lack of a convenient undo makes playing on an iPad untenable for me. We wanted to do swipe left for undo and swipe right for redo, but never got around to it. Now mobile Safari uses that for moving back and forward through your history, so I doubt we’ll do it. Maybe swipe up and down? I have no idea how @DeusExMachina got so good on an iPad while having to suffer our small undo button.

  • So, the takeaway here is: no, the undo button can NOT be made bigger?

  • I rarely use undo. Mostly because when I’m playing for speed, going backwards is lost time. But also because too often when I want to go back more than 1 step, the multiple taps cause the screen to resize (which drive me nuts).

    Instead of undo, I use the Replay button liberally—just start over with the benefit of what I learned from prior attempts.

  • Wow! I never noticed the redo, and I play a LOT. You folks are wonderful. Thanks.

    I don't see X documented. Certainly more friendly than Ctrl-shift-Z.


    x for redo is documented, however obscurely . Click on Show Rules and then click on Keyboard Play.

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