
edited September 2010 in Bug Reports
Is it just me or is the auto shuffle, when no more cards can be played, not working?


    Sage wrote:
    Is it just me or is the auto shuffle, when no more cards can be played, not working?

    I just played (quickly and without thinking) and it worked for me. Can you give me more details? I did just rewrite the game, so it wouldn't surprise me if it was broken. :)

  • I've had the same problem recently.
  • It happens when you have about the first 10 cards in each row put into order. I played the Game of the Day (415641397) twice and it happened both times. Also played game # 1889373679 and it happened with it also - had to click the shuffle button. It does not seem to happen when you only have a few cards put into order.
  • Yes, as Wendigo says, it doesn't happen all the time... It seems to happen when the empty squares are at the right hand side... as far as I can remember.
    I see the problem. It doesn't recognize that you are stuck if you have a whole row completed. I'll have a fix up soon. In the mean time you can hit reshuffle manually, at least.

    Edit: I pushed the fix, it should be working now. BTW, I was able to find it with Game # 1889373679, so thanks, wendigo, for posting that.

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