
Game: freecell
Game #: 660785595

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what does my score compare with i.e. my score out of ??.Does that mean the number of people currently trying that particular puzzle or those who have just completed it ?


  • That's the number of people who have completed that game in all of history, most of whom played it within the previous several hours.

  • Actually, I’m pretty sure it’s the number of times the game was played. Check this out: I quit today’s Freecell Game-of-the-Day with 51 cards played. It shows that I’m 720 out of about 16,000. That means that only 719 of the 16K are completed games.

  • Deus....Just because you are the first player listed with 51 moves doesn't mean you are the first player. #11 could have been 51 moves in an 8 second game.

  • That’s absolutely true—theoretically. But highly improbable, wouldn’t you agree, that any other players gave up with 51 cards played and 1 to go???
    Also, your point kinda misses my point, which was that the total number includes (the “y” in the “x of y” report) includes incomplete games.
    Still, it would have been more accurate for me to say that “at most 719 of the 16K are completed games.“

    At the risk of straying farther from my point, I’d be deeply impressed if someone could play 51 and only 51 cards in 8 seconds because once get to the point where auto-finish would run the board, you have to keep that from happening by tapping each card in series. ;-)

  • I think I remember it being posted as the number of times game was played. So that would include all of your own attempts.

  • THX, lasso, homedoggy!

  • I don't play Freecell much. I guess it would be kinda silly to quit with one card left.

  • The Everly Brothers wrote a song about playing solitaire til dawn with a deck of 51.....

  • It follows from (G64) ... 'smokin cigarettes and watching Captain Kangaroo. Now don't tell me I've nothing to do ....'. I love the Statler Brothers. ;~)

  • oops! my bad on blunder about music group , too much rockin' and head bangin' , Hello Rev good to here from you , doing alot better about 96.999998 % better now. always get Statler Brothers and Everly Brothers mixed up.

  • To: Rev

  • People have said that I'm playing "without a full deck" for years. Wonder what that means.

  • To :Homedoggy

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