"Undo" button for Hopeless

URL: /hopeless

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Second time requesting an undo button for Hopeless. We have it for many card games when knowledge of the hidden cards can actually affect our game choices. Not so for Hopeless & I feel the undo option would give a better opportunity to learn from mistakes. thx!


  • Hey ashgo...I'm a Hopeless aficionado myself and can see both sides of this, but on your last post david (the green felt guy) likened Hopeless to a puzzle more than a solitaire game...so it's more about tactics that drive you to a consistently high score. @Jade1953 even mentioned how the lack of an 'undo' made them concentrate more.
    There have been many times I've thought "why did I click there?'...but since the next game is free...hit 'replay' and do it all over.
    Good luck.

  • Oh yeah...there is no replay button on Hopeless.
    Hey @david ...Can we get a replay button on Hopeless?

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