King-Queen stacking rejection

Game: freecell
Game #: 1495853597
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/63.0
JS-Version: 2018-09-06_10:59:16_-0700_ccae3e8a0b87d6f6f7ef92850dbb746ecf9e4ca9

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

Not sure why this version of Freecell usually refuses to allow me to move a King out of a cell into an empty column and then stack a Queen on top of it. I often seek to do this in order to increase the number of free cells and empty columns, and thus to enhance further play options. Sometimes it appears to me to be the only way to continue play. BUT - once I have placed that Queen atop the King, the game automatically whisks the King back into its old cell and leaves the Queen at the top of the column instead. This prevents my intended progress, and sometimes stops me cold. Other versions of Freecell never do this to me. Why does THIS vesion do it?


    edited November 2018

    Hi @Creekbather,

    We do allow the move you are trying to make, however if you are not precise in your placement, it's possible that the King will move out of the way of the Queen. If you look at the black card-sized rectangle that is drawn near the King you can see that when you position the Queen near the top of the King, then we highlight the King. When you position the Queen near the bottom of the King, we will highlight the place where the Queen would go on top of the King. This is how you determine which move the game will make. This situation is a product of our games attempts to “do what you mean”. If you linger with the King highlighted for too long we will try and move it out of the way. However if, instead of dropping the Queen, you just move it towards the bottom half of the place where King was, then it King will fly back and you can drop the Queen on it. This may sound complicated, but it becomes quite natural and powerful once you internalize how it works. Maybe @DeusExMachina could make a video?

    Summary: Try holding the Queen and moving it up and down near the King and notice how the black card-sized rectangle can be in two different places. it let's you know which move will be made.

    Thanks for taking the time to write,

  • This video shows both the problem described and how to avoid it as Jim explained. Also, the last two times, instead of dragging, I merely tapped (aka, clicked) the Queen rather than dragging it. I play almost entirely by tapping, resorting to dragging only if either I want the card to move to another stack instead of playing up to its “suit foundation” or if the card i’m moving can play to two positions. In the latter case, Green Felt always defaults to the card closest to the left, so if you want a card to go to the one on the right, you have to drag it there.


    Thanks @DeusExMachina!

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