picking out the deck i can't pick just the 1 deck I want

Game: spider1
Game #: 391037811
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.0 Safari/605.1.15
JS-Version: 2018-09-06_10:59:16_-0700_ccae3e8a0b87d6f6f7ef92850dbb746ecf9e4ca9

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:


  • in spider 1 I want to pick out the style of deck but when I press it - in the game I get multiple style - makes it difficult to play

  • When you click on 'Deck" and that box pops up with the assortment of deck options, please notice that there is a tiny box next to each choice. If you check 5 or 6 they will rotate thru those choices. If you only select one choice...that's all you'll get. My I suggest "Rainbow"...they seem lucky right now.

  • I have had the same problem as lomein. I would click a new deck but fail to UNclick the old one. I just knew there was a problem with the site...until...I finally used my head.

    @lomein...make sure that when you want to change decks that the old card design that you were using is NOT checked. If you don't it will rotate or combine all the styles that you have checked.

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