is there a way to disable the automatic moves, it is affecting my moves &spoiling my games

Game: freecell
Game #: 77589054
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36
JS-Version: 2018-09-06_10:59:16_-0700_ccae3e8a0b87d6f6f7ef92850dbb746ecf9e4ca9

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:


  • The game, itself, is not making automatic moves. You are inadvertently clicking either the left or right mouse button, which is causing them.

    If you click anywhere on the screen any cards that can move will do so. If the cards are moving back, to their previous positions, it's because... "You might be accidentally clicking the right mouse button—that executes the “undo” function." -David

  • I do not have or use a mouse and its been happening more frequently to my playing solitaire3... there is however, an explanation that was written by Jim in regards to the moves.... I can understand the frustration when the cards start moving without any type of touches, but I just click on the UNDO key and let me do it ...

  • PS... If you check the response from Jim on Unlocked Moves, it should help solve the problem....that post is on here if you arrow down to it.... written a few days ago....


    There is always a way for you to be in control and to avoid our auto-play. A single click/tap moves the card to where we guess you most likely want to move it to. If you want to be in complete control, just pick the cards up and put them where you want them to go directly.

  • Thank you Jim, that helps a lot.... appreciate your help....

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