Competitive group scores in Canfield stop after 4 or 5 games

After playing 4 or 5 games, I no longer have competitive scores listed with other players. It's just me or maybe one other player. No 40 or 60 players. Why is this? By the way I LOVE your Green Felt Site!


  • Hey guys, know you'e VERY busy!!. But hope you don't forget my question. Thank you for any consideration & keep up the good work! :)


    Hi @exLAX,

    There are a few reasons why you might be seeing only a few people:
    1. The set of shuffles that we funnel people towards resets every night a midnight GMT. That means, that if you happen to be playing then, you might actually be one of the first to play a certain shuffle.
    2. You might be playing a less than popular game where we just don't get that many people playing. This is unlikely with Solitaire, but more likely with something obscure like Canfield.
    3. We could have a bug. :(

    Note that 2. exacerbates 1., so the more obscure the game, the longer it takes for the game(s) of the day to fill up after the daily reset. Given this, let us know if you still think 3. is most likely.

    Have fun and thanks for your report and positive comments!

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