Undo Shuffle on addiction

Game: addiction
Game #: 1661394006

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  • I don't understand why this feature request has not been answered. Could you let me know if it is possible to add this request. Thank you

  • The request is to be able to undo a shuffle on addiction. If it's not clear


    I recall explicitly dis-allowing undo past the shuffle in addiction because it seemed like cheating to know how the random shuffle was going to affect the game state. If you have a more nuanced reason to allow it, I'm all ears.

  • I don't think it is cheating. It saves time by not having to start all over again to figure out what move would have been a better choice. I see people winning games in less than three minutes, I expect those people have replayed that game several times. It is a time cheat to show you won a game in less than three minutes when you have already played that game enough times you have the win mapped out.

  • The only time when shuffle makes me swear out loud is when I’ve managed to marshal a long suit sequence ready to move up the row once I’ve created a gap in the first space of the row .... then when the space is there, I’ve inadvertently tapped the space and instead of the 2 at the front of the sequence moving up another random 2 flies in and triggers the automatic shuffle

    %%##*£!! >:) :D

    Although, they do say that it’s character building, so I don’t mind if you don’t change the undo shuffle :)

  • For me it is because I unintentionally made a move I had not meant to

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