please let me me me play the game stop your automatic interfering its a pest

Game: freecell
Game #: 1153561877

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  • as above let me play the game not you

  • You can always use the "undo" button to go back a step

  • What's wrong with playing like the rest of us?Just keep your eye on the automatic and undo if necessary.It's not that difficult.Certainly no need to change the format.Just enjoy the game.

  • If you click anywhere on the screen any cards that can move will do so. If the cards are moving back, to their previous position, it's because... "You might be accidentally clicking the right mouse button—that executes the “undo” function." -David

  • I agree with graeme!
    No one is taking over your game or being a "pest"...YOU are in control.
    It would be a benefit if you got used to the way your screen touch causes automated movements of the cards. It took me time to realize this. I've learned not to touch the spaces and am in better control of each game.
    Some players have learned to use the automatic card movements to improve their game and reduce their moves and time...
    I hope that the forum suggestions help you to relax and to really enjoy the games on this great site!

  • I think the mouse explanation must be true because i never have problems with the touchscreen.

  • I had all kinds of problems with the touch screen until I learned to not touch the blank spaces...

  • Maybe later today when I am more awake I will do a forum Who likes frog gigging or snipe hunting. Kick your shoes off , recline back in your chair , play a game have fun , well graeme can't take his shoes off they would become lunch , enjoy yourself have fun, easy on the mouse and touch screen, relax ,

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