crossword problem

URL: /crossword
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JS-Version: 2018-08-04_02:34:23_-0700_59d84682269ca6201aa0c72d064e0f4b74c902d4

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

How in the world do I change the crossword!?! I don't know most of the answers so would like to find another and an easier one, but cannot find out how to change. AARGH!! Help! JDC


  • I would like to know this too!

  • best i can help you would be that you address this with David and Jim , they write the puzzle

  • Hey 1jackiedc, I didn't realize that your question was never really answered. The guys responded to a similar question a while back by saying that they put Crossword on the site assuming there would be free ones on the web somewhere. Truth is ...they charge for that sort of thing. Money that this site doesn't generate. Sorry...enjoy the solitaire.

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