let me play the game stop your interfering

Game: freecell
Game #: 258317623
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36
JS-Version: 2018-08-04_02:34:23_-0700_59d84682269ca6201aa0c72d064e0f4b74c902d4

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:


  • Please describe, in detail, the "interfering" you're referring to.

  • Nice two for one on same post , as sage stated someone may help if you describe your issue, being am an avid Free Celler, will play the game number to see what it is about later, Take Care, Hello Sage good to see you again, enjoy your weekend.

    edited August 2018

    I'll suggest this... If you click anywhere on the screen any cards that can move will do so. If the cards are moving back, to their previous position, it's because... "You might be accidentally clicking the right mouse button—that executes the “undo” function." -David

  • No one is interfering in your game except for you! It took me awhile to realize that my touching blank parts caused "shifting" of cards. I know how frustrating that can be. Some players actually use it as a tool, which I haven't mastered as yet!
    Keep playing and be careful where you are touching, or clicking, on the screen!
    In no time you will be in complete control of your game.
    Hopefully, you will have more enjoyment in playing as a result!

  • I have a touch screen and everytime I see a piece of dust or fly I want to knock it off and it throws me an extra play I don't want, no wander my scores are horrible <YUK So watch touching screen ,

  • I think we have another one who doesn’t read responses, possibly because they don’t know they’re posting to a forum.

    So maybe this site needs a forum bot to send emails. By picking out certain keywords it could respond to complaints about cards moving on their own, games being too hard, sound, and several other common topics.

    (I’m joking of course. But the temptation to write such a program is strong.)

  • Funny comment!

  • Gotta toughy for the free cellers out there try this one Charltonb Game #1100820532 was 9th place 5:24 on time everyone but one over 2 minutes. , Hey Spiderwebs , Arborist and agree with you on not reading responses ,

  • what are you talking about? how am I interfering with your game? Sorry

  • Let it go, let it go, let it go.......

  • Everybody happy today?

  • I suggest a game of solitaire to cool the heated mind.On the other hand perhaps we should not.Decisions,decisions.Enjoy your week-end boys and girls.

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