The odds of winning

Game: freecell
Game #: 1067694925

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  • I would like to know the odds of winning???

  • Bvps...hey
    I would imagine that the odds of winning...say Freecell...are in direct correlation to the skill level
    of the individual player.
    My odds are "slim"

  • homedoggy - :D

  • With a game like Freecell ...there are 3K+ players every game... it's almost always gonna be more then the 10 folks who you'll see listed on the leader board as people who completed the game. But, I suppose, in a less popular game...if all the winners are listed in the top could divide by total number of people playing. But again... this would not reflect YOUR odds.
    Maybe playing twenty games and doing the math is the way to go.

  • Huh...I thought you won Freecell by getting all of the cards up to the Foundation piles. Is Freecell one of the games that always has a solution? Just wondering...

  • Not all hands of freecell are winnable, but a very high percentage are.

  • I thought Bvps was talking about HIS odds of taking the game to completion. A player can always click 'High Scores' to ensure a game is winnable and then 'Replay' to start over.

  • That's what I thought too, but around here "winning" seems to be about topping the leaderboard. My tongue was somewhat in my cheek B^)

    BTW, it is extremely unlikely for most games, but it is possible on extremely hard boards that nobody has managed to solve a board that actually has a solution. The only game I know of that could be like that is Spider. It's pretty hard to prove that some boards are unsolvable, though to prove it's solvable just requires someone to do it.

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