Are we back in the pink?
I'm holding off on my happy dance until we get official word.


  • freecell

  • I may have spoken too soon.
    Sorry if I jinxed it.


    Hopefully? :smiley: I messed up copying the database to the fast computer, so it's back on the slow computer while I re-copy. The leader board looks barren :-). Don't worry though, Jim and I made an effort to save all the data from the fast but flawed db (about 1 weeks worth-22 million games). We're restoring that data as we speak. My first attempt at restoring the data took over the db and prevented it from working well for the rest of the site. It's now restoring in a way that shouldn't impact the site. It's slow going, and may take a while to get it all back in.


    Also, we've been looking at the 502 issue. There's something weird happening that we don't understand yet. In the mean time, it comes in spurts, so just wait 30 seconds then reload or retry to submit scores. They'll eventually go through.

  • jabbajabba REGISTERED
    edited June 2018

    David - I just noticed that your little face picture is the same used for porkrind! Oops - very similar

  • We are grateful to you David and your trust sidekick Jim in getting this site back to normal so we can enjoy the games with out any malfunctions , stoppages glad everyone got there scores back and hopefully we will be able to have fun with games ,friends, and no stress and anxiety and frustrations we all know you are doing all you can to bring us this site and we all are appreciative for you and Jim's dedication to site and the many players we have on this site. Hello homedoggy, jabba and mandj, glad to see some people that I care about enjoying themselves, Take Care everyone.

  • hey homedoggy fat lady is warming up her vocal chords so hopefully you can shine your dancing shoes up so we can return to normal take care my friend,

  • Wait...What...@jabba
    are you talking about a brand of snack porkrinds or another player?
    In the old days of cartoons...X's for eyes signified that the character had died, which made me curious about
    @david 's choice of iconic representaion

  • None of the above homedoggy, it is similar to a character he has used in the past for something else - if my information is correct of course. Sometimes my foot goes in my mouth and I am mistaken


    You are correct Jabba. I think the porkrind one is missing the tongue. Or it could just be so small you can't see it. I did that a long time ago and don't remember :smile:. I'm curious how you found the site? I link to here from there but I don't think Green Felt has any explicit links back to it…

  • Ahhh...a sorted past history. And I thought I was the only one.
    Actually...david's icon might represent someone who was...err...overserved

  • David, this is gonna sound creepy, but after you made a particular comment in the blog I went on the hunt to find a picture and found a whole bunch of stuff including the character - I don't think it had a tongue. Just remember - once it is on the net, it is there forever - you just have to find it!


    @jabba, I don't think it's creepy. Human curiosity + Google = instant answers, rabbit holes to climb down, afternoons "wasted". I've certainly looked up random people, too.

  • Good-O, I didn't want to seem like a stalker, just curious. Mind you, both you and Jim seem like interesting people.

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