502 Bad Gateway

I cannot get to your website from Explorer - only Chrome or Safari


  • I'm no tech person, but I am certain that there are reasons Explorer won't let you in yet.

    At the top of every game page is the following:
    Play the Game of the day. We're currentlly experiencing problems with the server and are working to fix them.
    Please see our blog post for updates
    . Want something? Request a feature.

    As you can see, the games are not yet up to par. We are still under maintenance. We have what we have for now. Be patient while Jim and David work on the problem

    Enjoy the games.

  • I am trying to log in/register so my name will be on the scoreboard. Your sites will not allow me to. Lee

  • I had the same issue on the work computer 502 bad gateway for main game site, but I could still access forum and blog just fine - also on internet explorer

  • I just remembered that explorer had bad gateway problems after the last major issue with the site. Perhaps it is a similar problem.

  • I have this problem with Internet Explorer in Windows 7 but not in Windows 10. Is this the case for everyone?

  • I only use google chrome. No clue about explorer.

  • When I click a card from the deck, each card flips twice.

  • xnewyorker, you may be accidentally double-clicking on your card. I do that sometimes. Also, if your mouse is beginning to die, it may double-click itself.

    Also if cards begin to do funny things to you:
    Per David:
    "Check to make sure you aren't accidentally hitting the right mouse button, or clicking on the felt between cards. Right clicking is the same as clicking the "undo" button. Clicking on the felt between the cards is the same as clicking the "auto-finish" button. Both are admittedly be confusing if you don't realize what's happening."

    Enjoy the games.

  • I have 502 bad gateway on Windows 10.I believe I had the same problem last time.No big deal,plenty of other things going on in my life.Happy to wait.

  • Still getting 502 bad gateway on explorer

  • Jim and David are still working on the system. In time it will be fixed again. Be patient, and try to log in on Google when you can.

  • Thank you springrain - I appreciate the i :) nfo you gave me.

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