list high winners' scores

Game: spider
Game #: 887767267

What would you like to see?

I'm only seeing my score although it said i'm first out of 21. Why not display more names/scores? I remember seeing more, previously, when I was a high scorer.



  • I am not sure, but it is my impression that the first out of twenty-one reflects overall, while the table of winners reflects those who scored in the current day.

  • No. It might have been before I created a user, and won a game it would post, on solitaire page, the list of top scores, including mine, with names, times, moves. It no longer displays anything.

  • If I am not mistaken, 1st out of 21 (even though YOU are the only user name that played that game) shows you as #1 (of course) and that 20 other people played that game today. Those 20 people were not logged in. That's why you only see your score. Seems the game counts ALL players that played that game today, but can only display the results for those who are logged in.

  • Hummm. Before I (recenlty) created an account I THINK (my memory isn't so good) I would see other names on the screen when I won a game that others had also won. And, even less sure of what I saw, "anonymous" for those (including me back when) who also placed.

    And (again, I just completed a game but it's off the screen) more than only for today (after all that means a LOT of people are playing a lot of games).

    thanks, Springrain.

  • Maybe you are correct, but I've decided I'm seeing a different problem. I've noticed (It seems) to only list me and any scores higher. So if I am first out of 20, I see my score only. If I'm 3rd out of 20 I see the people and scores above me also. It seems I come in #1 more often than lower down (or only my score).

    I'd be better off to play less I think but addiction is addiction.


    Hi @cattycat, we actually show the top 10 scores (plus your own if needed). If you are playing a shuffle that not many people have won then you will only see a few names. It's easier to win when only a few people have played. Generally we try to steer you toward games where others have played, but naturally someone has to be first (or third)!

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