i have played this game for over a week for hours and have not won a game what do i have to do to wi

Game: fortythieves
Game #: 763186172

What would you like to see?


  • to be able to win once in a while

  • Win by completing the game or by beating everyone else?

  • The best advice I have read on this is: Don't play every card that will play on the board, stick to the lower cards. Also, replaying the same game if I see something I could do differently.

  • Hello Mike50,just keep on playing.The more practice you have the better you will get.There is no easy way to progress in these games.Don't be discouraged,enjoy the games and you will find that eventually you will become more successful.I look forward to seeing your name on the board.

  • Mike I guess this goes for all games on this site, as mentioned in these posts, it takes time to get to where we can win a few games here and there, I agree with everyone it takes time, tho don't play forty thieves it is same for every game, I wish I could win a large percentage of games in Free Cell, there is no exact solution to every game, I am not a competative person by no means , I play for fun , I don't compete for low scores or times or winning percentage, I play for fun, don't know if this helps in your query, keep playing have fun , you in time will start to win once in a while. enjoy the games, it's only by luck for some on games, Play on.Have a good day.

  • I enjoy playing your games but I have a question about your scoring. I have noticed that i can play a game and get a score of 12th out of 600 for example, then play the same game a few minutes later, with a score of 14 out of 40. How can there be such a drop in numbers playing in such short space of time. Thank you tildamouse

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