
Hi everyone,
I would first like to thank the owners of Greenfelt for providing such a great platform free of charge and free of ads.
One feature that I think could make Greenfelt even better is if registered players can view their statistics for each game.
Some of these statistics might include:

  • Number of games played
  • Games won
  • Games lost
  • Win percentage
  • Average solve time



  • I agree Itaylor, if we had our statistics we could see how well we are improving. I am only playing against myself, and and would like to see my improvements.

  • Non riesco a capire con quale criterio vengono attribuiti i punteggi di Greenfelt Comunque mi piace molto.

  • A volte, i punti non sembrano avere se ti stai divertendo...

  • clicca sul pulsante "Show Rules" sopra il gioco e poi clicca su "Scoring" e troverai i criteri per il punteggio

  • @ltaylor I'd love that. I do not care how I stack up against anyone else.

  • I"ll vote for that!

  • I'm not sure how long you guys have been on the site...and I think you have an interesting idea...but we play at the discretion of Jim and David.... and any feature additions would have to be included by (and paid for) by them. Since their combined salary is currently at $ see where this is going. Logistically, your request may be do-able but since you mentioned how nice the site is and how important that it stays free from ads and cost, the decision would have to be theirs.
    I wish you luck.

  • I totally agree with you homedoggy. I enjoy this site as it is free to all for us to have fun, I am not here to compete with anyone, I just play for fun, it would cost Jim and David a pretty penny it's not what this site is about being free of ads pop-us , to contact our new friends, to help new comers and for all of us to share in the enjoyment of this site. I have hoped for many things thou I know now this site was given to us by our founders and the many who enjoy for entertainment purposes only , as said before good luck in your query.

  • Hey G64....I think Itaylor's request is interesting and would prove to be useful in tracking a players personal progress
    on the site but it's gonna come down to time and dollars and cents. At the end of the day it's going to be up to Jim and David but I wouldn't hold my breath

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