cards moving slowly and jerking

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited December 2009 in Bug Reports
The last 2-3 days my cards have been moving slow and jerking like something running in the background. I have checked everything with my computer and this is the only website it is happening on. Please advise
Thanks, Cindy Bailey


    The last 2-3 days my cards have been moving slow and jerking like something running in the background. I have checked everything with my computer and this is the only website it is happening on. Please advise
    Thanks, Cindy Bailey

    Sorry to hear that Cindy. We changed the way the cards got drawn about a week ago, so it might be that. I assume you have tried restarting your browser and rebooting? If so, could you tell me what your greenfelt username is or which browser you're using so I can look into this?

  • Hi Jim:
    Yes I have rebooted and such and still having trouble on the games but on no other computer websites. I' m using internet explorer my greenfelt user name is cindaroo53. Let me know if I need to do something on my end. Thanks for the help. and the problem is still happening today. Cindy
    jim wrote:
    The last 2-3 days my cards have been moving slow and jerking like something running in the background. I have checked everything with my computer and this is the only website it is happening on. Please advise
    Thanks, Cindy Bailey

    Sorry to hear that Cindy. We changed the way the cards got drawn about a week ago, so it might be that. I assume you have tried restarting your browser and rebooting? If so, could you tell me what your greenfelt username is or which browser you're using so I can look into this?


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