Please don't replace the per game high scores

I just read in your FAQs..
"We eventually want to replace the per game high scores with a global player ranking. But we haven't exactly figured out what we should be ranking players on, so it's not done yet. If you have any opinions, let us know on the forum. "
Can you not keep the per game scores instead of replacing? I always feel that is a very achievable goal to get on the board in the top 10. I play for difficulty, not speed and am interested in players who have that same goal.
Playing for speed is not something that I aspire to, only to get as high on the scoreboard as possible even if the game is unsolvable eg Klondike Game of the day 2nd January 4070365716
1 cayest 2018/01/02 12:22pm 20 136 3m12s
Sorry, couldn't help myself. :) It's my first time at the top


  • I agree.Congrats on yesterdays game,it certainly stretched me.I notice the absence of the speedsters.The skill in these games is the ability to solve or resolve the most difficult of games.I notice,when I play the every-day games,that ,like yourself,there are many in that category,but who choose not to play the Leader Board.I can understand why.Surely there is enough competition already without a global ranking.I fear it may discourage many potential players.That would be a great pity.Play on.

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