
Game: freecell
Game #: 458479658

What would you like to see?sound


  • Why?

  • Isn't the world full of enough noise already? Everywhere you go...there is noise.

    One of the reasons that I love this noise...just quiet.

  • that's rite why ?; no downloads; no apps; no ads and no sound, this is the perfect site to play and relax, Boys don't change a thing, I can always turn on some background noise if needed, Just play relax and have fun,

  • I have enough background noise from the t.v channels.Just me,my mouse and my distant playing friends is enough for me.Play on.

  • Every site that I go to I'm bombarded with sounds and ads that I didn't ask for. Here, I just turn on my music (music that I pick out and like) and play away. Thank you for the quiet!

  • There’s nothing wrong with requesting sound. If you don’t want it then just ask that it be an option. Or mute your computer when you play.


    If we ever add sound, it'll be off by default. I personally find websites that make noise to be annoying when you aren't expecting it (I'm looking at you, every news site that auto-plays video on print articles).

  • I agree.What's wrong with peace and quiet for a change.There is enough noise in the world as it is.Play on.

  • Certainly not sounds when you make a move, or undo a move, or win a game, or anything annoying like that... No thank you.

  • Remember when some websites would autoplay terrible MIDI versions of various traditional songs? And you could never figure out where to turn it off? Good times. Especially if you're sitting in a library or something.

    Maybe some really loud scraping, dragging, grinding and banging noises, and every time you move a card, a really loud SWOOOSH-PING-WAMMO sound like they use on sporting events for instant replay. That would be lovely.

    I do like to have Spotify open in the background so I can listen to music, of my own choosing.

  • That sounds wonderful! LOL...

    I can play while listening to audio books, or YouTube videos, or CBC Radio 2 (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), or whatever I want to multi-task at, when I'm not knitting.

  • Cartoons. I play while I watch cartoons. Goes well together.

  • thank you developers for asking, but I would prefer no sound. If enough people want it, maybe a button that we "quiet types" could use to mute the sound. have a good day :)

  • I have got to ask this. Please believe I am not being mean or snarly, I just honestly don't understand. Why would anyone who goes to a site that does not have sound wish for some type of sound? I mean, you can put any cd into your pc (if you are on a desk pc). You can have your tv on to anything, any kind of noise if you are on a phone or pad. You can even have a party and play the games here. So WHY would you want this site to have sound? :/

  • Some people find that sound, e.g, cards shuffling or being placed, adds to the game experience. Others don’t. It’s like crunchy vs smooth peanut butter or Mounds vs Almond Joy.

  • But, you can get that on just about any site, or by using real cards instead of virtual. So, I still don't understand.

  • Greenfelt is an exceptionally well done site, and many people prefer a site to real cards.

  • I prefer NO sound. Almost universally, every web site I go to has some inane "glop" that destroys my surfing experience. When I play on Greenfelt, I listen to classical music because it is soothing and peaceful to me. Adding sound of any kind would not enhance my enjoyment of this site.
    To the geniuses who provide this site: My Thanks :).

  • Arborist, I agree that Greenfelt is an exceptionally well done site. Personally I am no longer able to handle real cards, so that option is gone for me. But, again, if you really enjoy this site, why need sound? Do you see why I'm confused.? Either you enjoy the site or you don't. I, personally, have had enough NOISE from almost every site on the internet. I finally turned off my speakers so I don't hear it.
    Jade, I agree...super thanks to David and Jim!

  • Whisper8, just accept that not everyone shares your point of view. As Dave said earlier, if they ever add sound it will be off by default, so your playing experience will not be affected. No harm, no foul.

  • Ah, you mistake me. To me, it makes no difference if there is sound or not. Although I turned off my speakers about 5 years ago, 2 years ago I went totally deaf. I lost my hearing due to noise pollution. That's why I always end up asking myself that question of why? And, this time, I asked you folks.

  • I like plain vanilla ice cream, but never order it. Why? Because In my opinion it is improved by adding ingredients like chocolate chips. Others prefer just plain vanilla. If all that is available is plain, I’ll have that. This forum is titled “feature requests,” and the OP made a request for, well, chocolate chips.

    I hope this little metaphor helps explain things.

  • I see, you want something because you want it. Hope it works out better for you than that did for me. Cost me my hearing. I'd give anything to go back and not want what I wanted just because I wanted it.

  • If sound is off by default as David said that it would be then it doesn't affect me and I would have no problem with that option. That would solve the problem of sounds blasting at you when you first start a game. Both sides of the "sound debate" would be happy.

  • It would be nice if the default was sound OFF.

  • Default off? yep that would work for me, thanks Greenfelt guys.

    Also, will you please order me a passion fruit sorbet when you next go up to the counter? Cheers ????

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