
In a recent discussion, it was elegantly shown that profiling is not a good idea, even by age group. So why do those self-profilers who insist on showing off their shortcomings welcomed to Klondike? Even granted the disguise of hearts in place of vowels, as if that made any difference.


  • What do you mean by profiling? What type of shortcomings? Is there a special "club" for Klondike. I have played Klondike before and haven't ever received a welcome. I just play and then move to the next game.

    I think that I am missing something.

  • Is this another new joiner who has played less than a handful of times?

  • Ok, I think I understand. It is 2 parts. A group of players were discussing age rankings (this is the profiling) and I think at the same time they may have been discussing Klondike in general. 2nd part is when people use symbols in names (ie hearts) so they can make bad words

  • This is getting complicated

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