phony scores

Game: klondike
Game #: 1543859785
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Please describe the problem in detail:

I have enjoyed many hours of playing your klondike solitaire window, but I have always disbelieved the number of winning scores listed as one minute and change. Even at a rapid rate of speed, there would not be time for a person to make all the necessary moves to win a game in one minute. Even if he or she had played the game over and over beforehand and had it memorized. I challenge anyone to do it where I can watch. The reason I"m writing this note is because it finally is hurting my feelings that, even though I win a game fairly often, I always end up be placed somewhere in the hundreds, while my competitors, with their famouse onr minute s ores, are smirking at my FEEBLE efforts.....I know the response: -If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.


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