age rating

I am a 91 yr. old . I play this for eye exercise and brain exercise. Am curious to know if I am playing against other seniors


  • There was another gentleman who was 90 or 91 here a month or so ago. I can't remember his name. I know there are a few 80+ers too.

  • Yay for 91 !
    I'm 87.5, play to wake up the brain cells, get down to work.

  • Good for you.I'm a mere youngster at 77.I wish you many more years at this excellent game.Play on.

  • Hey there guys & gals i guess at 66 im the baby of the family I can only hope I will still be playing for 20 to 30 years to come. but the doc tells me 1 - 2 max we will take it one day at a time This site has provided me with lots of fun and a sense of not being alone . Good to here from you old guys Play on and be happy LOL REWIND.,

  • Doesn't it all come down to how we play the "game"?
    Rewind—you play exceedingly well.

  • rilla you are right its all about how we play the game. High score Low score its all the same to me. I just enjoy playing with all you guys & girls. Maybe some time we can have a game one on one. THANKS for the big boost. LOL rewind (:

  • Keeping mentally active by analyzing each and every move is most important. Being that every Freecell game is solvable gives all a challenge to accomplish a win. Being the fastest is just another aspect of being competitive. I am happy to be able to play with all. My age!!! I am just a 75 year old child.

  • Hey there you guys & girls we dropped down to number 9 on the list. Don"t we have anything to talk about. Lets get a little history happening here My ears are open. Lets get together and say something and bring us back to number 1 again. Talk to me from your old friend Rewind.......

  • You make my day you all !! So nice reading you ,I like playing freecell and i like to take my time,i did run all my life now i love to take my time ...if i need 2 m or 11 to finish it is ok with me the way i am still a baby only 67 ...

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