unfeasable scores

I recently finished a game in which I came 85th out of 10600, fair enough I mused but imagine my surprise when I noticed that the winner had completed in 8 seconds! This is impossible playing off a key board so what is goin on and why? Gerryatrick


  • I'd guess there is some kind of program where the computer solves the challenge. That seems to defeat the whole purpose of the game. I am often in the top 10 and I notice that I am always the player with the longest time to solve. But I solve it, not the computer.

  • Read some of the other dozens and dozens of complaints, that people have written about this same complaint. And what particular game had a winning time of 8 seconds? There are games, here, that can be won in that time.

  • Get a mouse

  • Better still,get a life.

  • Why does anyone care how someone else plays the game? Do you win a prize?

  • Only the prize of grumbling me thinks! With all the variables of equipment from phones and tablets to fast processors or old faithful donkeys of computers, keyboards, mouse and heaven knows what else, surely these must have a bearing although I'm not computer savvy. Just know if my tablet loads up slow or fast as to where I happen to be or on whose connection in town or out in the sticks, but as I play for FUN it's a great site that suits me fine just as it comes.

  • I guess if you're a "win at all cost" kind of person it doesn't matter if you have to cheat to win. Kind of sad really especially as it's just for fun.

  • In Free Cell, I don't pay attention to how fast I am, but how many MOVES it took to win the game. My personal goal is how many of the first 10 I've beat on number of moves.

  • Maybe...just maybe they are having fun seeing how fast they can win the game. Like lynedin I only use the scores to compare MOVES it took to beat the game. I just don't care about speed...I just want to know my brain is still working or not. I rarely even know if I am playing the game of the day until after I hit the give up button.

  • Some complain about a possible program making others faster. It is built into the game for all to use! If you drag a card that is two cards away from the bottom the game itself moves cards away so you can use it. But it will not always benefit you, because if you do not pre-think your move you can run out of space. I guess what I am saying is the game will help you but you must use the help as a strategy.

  • You can have as many so called aids or stratagems as you like,but you can,t win these games unless you fully understand how to read the game.I have played Klondike for over fifty years and still be beaten.You have to practice.There is no easy way to win,despite what others may say.Just enjoy the game.

  • I just see how I do compared to the players who seem to play without assistance. There are lots of them and you will see that they solve free cell games sometimes very fast sometime not. I could care less about the 5-8 second winners.

  • Folks listen.... It's a matter of curiosity as to how Pyramid Tournament can be won in 8 seconds or less.....lol It's not some major character flaw. I'd like to be able to do that. However I've noticed I have beat the speedos in moves. It may have taken me 1 1/2 mins but I beat them :D Joanne

  • PS: I meant Klondike not Pyramid that's another gamer..LOL Joanne

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