High scores

Game: klondike
Game #: 116723509

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  • There are currently problems with the site that are taking time to rectify.

    Use the NEW GAME button on the toolbar to bring up different games or change the game number by clicking on the GAME box to the right of the tool bar - nos. start from 1 onwards.

    The leader board may not come up, but you can get the High Scores.
    Go to the game you want to play and click the HIGH SCORE box in the tool bar.
    When it comes up with the error message, it means your game result has to wait in a queue to be processed, but if you persist with RETRY it will come up - just a different game of patience!

    Anything else, please explore the site including forums, FAQs, tool bars and rules to explore solutions before posting as there is lots of info available

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