game code changes?

goodrobhuntinggoodrobhunting REGISTERED
edited September 2008 in General Discussion
did you change anything with the games' code as of a few days ago? all of them are so slow for me now that they are basically unplayable. when i try to double-click or drag and drop the cards, there is about a two-second delay before the card is transferred to its destination.

i noticed a few weeks (months?) ago the undo function slowed down significantly on my computer, but i could play through that without too much headache.



    did you change anything with the games' code as of a few days ago? all of them are so slow for me now that they are basically unplayable. when i try to double-click or drag and drop the cards, there is about a two-second delay before the card is transferred to its destination.
    Have you tried opening just greenfelt in your browser with no other sites open? It could be other sites slowing things down. What about rebooting?
    i noticed a few weeks (months?) ago the undo function slowed down significantly on my computer, but i could play through that without too much headache.
    We haven't made changes in the last few dayss, but the code did change recently. It changed first on july 14th and then again one month later. Each change allowed even more complicated moves and would have slowed things down (depending on the speed of your computer).

    I put some time between the updates to see if anyone noticed any slow down. You are the first to complain, but that probably means lots of people have noticed as well.

    If you say the above suggestion don't work for you then I guess I'll just turn them off. No one has mentioned liking the new moves anyway, and some people have said that they are confusing. Too bad. I like them. Maybe I'll just add an option to enable them.

  • It's not a big deal, really. But a 'lite' version sounds good to po' folks like me with old computers. >.<

    Great site, btw. Nowhere can beat the small-table feel of these games. And, it's cool going up against the same opponents every day and learning who is strong at which game, ha!

    Thanks for the reply.

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