speeds too fast

dd101 plays games in like 38 or 36 seconds that takes the rest of us 1min45 seconds or 2 min 16 seconds. Is this OK? If so how do we do that??


  • Practice... practice... practice!

  • i've been practicing for 4 years!! There must be some secret to those fast speeds; no one else is doing it.

  • Just got this score playing Klondike- 52 128 39s
    I guess it depends on what you are using. I imagine a smart phone or I pad would be slow. I use an old dinosaur desktop with mouse. If I weren't stoned so much, my speeds would be faster......and no...I do not cheat, thank you.

  • i've played this game for 67 years starting with cards & I'd love to know the secret of completing in like 36 seconds! I use Desktop & Mouse & not stoned..ever. There must be some system of which I'm not aware. Have not accused anyone of cheating!! Can anyone please share with me the speed system?!?

  • My secret is................severe degenerative disk disease, pinched nerves effecting arms and hands. Most times I can't even feel the mouse........so, my secret is out.

  • PS. I can't be that fast because I've never been on the Leaderboard.

  • Sorry about your ills; can relate, Degeneratuve disc disease, Arthritis, Herniated disks, Spinal stenosis & Sciatica just to name a few :) And NOW my hip thumps when I walk. I try to use minimal pain relievers, also need for arthritis in hands & now I seem to be getting arthritis in my feet!!! Getting older is not for the young!! :smile:

  • LOL! My creaking bones and your thumping hip.....we just need to add a bass to that!

  • Hi exLax, Check out the rules and you will see how it can be done fast. Once you work out the fastest route that you can find to solve a game, you can then move many cards at the one time by clicking the last card and double clicking in empty space. Have fun.

  • monkeynotale, Keep hanging in there! You & I can take it. Our pains wont last forever :) Did you read what mediascn said about reading the rules? I've had my cards fly all over the place sometimes but didnt know what I did to cause it. I'm looking forward to rules reading! (Y)

  • mediascn, hi there & thank you for the info. I'll read it afterwhile. Have a good one!

  • Read the rules......lol........is that like reading directions?

  • to all the key speed players why not dust of your BRAIN CELLS AND PLAY the game the fair way

  • erierr35
    Who the hell cares about scores on a card game that has no prizes and no one knows who you are. I think you need to have a talk with God about your slow brain. I could talk till I'm blue and you would not believe me. I probably have half the brain cells than you with the meds that I take and 6 chemo treatments, and I'm still smarter than you. I can go on forever......

  • This is an entertainment site only. How one chooses to play does not affect anyone else...unless you are so insecure that you MUST come in first in order to have self-worth. If that is the case...you have deeper problems than what this site can fix.

  • Nan01
    Exactly! Does not matter......just a game. Sometimes I'm fast, sometimes slow, sometimes can't figure a game out..........it just does not matter.

  • To all you negative naysayers: There's nothing wrong with trying to improve your game!! No deepseated insecure selfworths! It's OK if you dont want to improve your game but I & others would like to do better if possible. Your holier than thou attitude is not appreciated nor needed in this forum. All I want to know is how to play a game in seconds!! I couldn't find the directions on how to do it

  • ExLAX:

    No cheating involved!

    To get faster results, you may need to get a touch-screen tablet or laptop. You can tap the screen much quicker than you can point and click with a mouse. Plus, you can turn the cards with your left hand and play them with your right. I really don't know how much of a difference processor speed makes.

    Having said that, I haven't been able to match some of the speeds I see in games other than Klondike...not even close! But I still enjoy playing them and try to improve.

    Finally, I know I can slow down and make fewer mistakes, but I've already proven to myself that I can do that. For me, it's more about eye-hand coordination and quick decision-making.

  • arriba, thank you! That makes sense. I play on desktops/mouse so I'm probably encumbered by passee equipment..lol Thanks again :) & good lucck!

  • I seem to be on a different planet from everyone else.I have my five year's-old computer and a mouse I bought for five pounds two years ago.I only play Klondike,and have done for the last sixty years.During this period I have learned to READ the game quickly and,over the years,improve my eye-hand co-ordination to a point where I can finish some of the easier games quite quickly.Speed is not my intent.After so many years playing this game this is the way I play.It boils down to practice and with it comes skill.I don't use devious Machiavellian schemes or some of the aids that have been mentioned.I don't even understand half of the above.The skill in this game is not speed but the ability to complete the game to your satisfaction.My enjoyment is playing the more difficult every-day games,that's where the skill comes into play.Any fool can achieve fast times if the cards are right ,including myself.Speed is not ,and should not,be the ambition of these games,however incidental this may be.In regard to the un-corroborated,un-substantiated claims of cheating,mostly made by those with little experience of the game,i see this as not only a detraction of the game but an abuse of this forum which should be used for something more than a vehicle for malcontents.Now that I have let off steam,back to the game that I enjoy so much.

  • I love this game and love going as fast as i can. I always aim to get a sub 30 seconder, but very rarely achieve that (six times to date). For me it's about achieving a personal target. But above all switching off from the world and having fun.

  • Like watching a magician, being told how would lose the magic! Same with these games - better to figure it out yourself or risk losing more than the game

  • anoreel 2017/07/15 11:02am 52 136 38s
    Set up a camera....
    I would love to see this actually happen.

  • i, too, would love to see some games in clips done in seconds. In all the years & hours a day I play I did do one game in 47 seconds but that was because the cards were just right and that was ONLY ONCE!! LOL

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