seconds away !

helpsiehelpsie REGISTERED
edited July 2008 in General Discussion
Hi really great site but how is tamarap getting the scores he gets.Doing the games in 4 or 5 seconds.


  • I figured out how tamarap does it. Check out my score on Klondike today - 2 sec! And this is a game I never get high score for unless it is a really hard one. I can do hard but I don't do fast for many games. However, if I tell, then this site will become a site where the first person to play each game successfully gets an unbeatable high score of just a couple seconds. Can Moderators David or Jim fix this glitch if it is revealed? Otherwise the site becomes no fun!
    helpsie wrote:
    Hi really great site but how is tamarap getting the scores he gets.Doing the games in 4 or 5 seconds.
    Yeah, a Sea Haven Towers game in 5 seconds sounds sketchy to me. I'm suspecting foul play... Tamarap, what hole are you exploiting?

    Ok Wishy, I see you passed klondike in 2 seconds, which seems equally ludicrous. What was your technique?

    Is this just clock setting shenanigans, is there a bug somewhere, or are you doing something more hack-ish?

    We know that by making the game run client side we're fundamentally opening ourselves up to cheating... And while we'll take reasonable measures to close any holes, really the last thing we want to do is enter some sort of arms race--If we're going to work on the site we'd much rather do something to improve it in a fundamental way rather than just spending all our time combating cheats.

    wishy wrote:
    I figured out how tamarap does it. Check out my score on Klondike today - 2 sec!
    We noticed. :-)
    Can Moderators David or Jim fix this glitch if it is revealed? Otherwise the site becomes no fun!
    Depends what the glitch is--It might be really easy, it might be hard. We are definitely interested in the specific attack. The problem with us is that we know how everything works intimately so we can think of a thousand ways to exploit it. You can private message me or Jim if you don't want to expose it to the world... Or you can email us too:,

  • Well thank god its a cheat,I was beginning to think Tamarap was a genius ! ! !
  • helpsie wrote:
    Well thank god its a cheat,I was beginning to think Tamarap was a genius ! ! !

    Wishy pointed the bug out to us (Thanks wishy!). We will have a fix up shortly.
  • Nice. This site is such a pleasure. Now if only goodrobhunting wasn't such a scorcher....
    jim wrote:
    helpsie wrote:
    Well thank god its a cheat,I was beginning to think Tamarap was a genius ! ! !
    Wishy pointed the bug out to us (Thanks wishy!). We will have a fix up shortly.
    Well, "shortly" turned into 7 hours, but the fix is up.

    In case anyone is interested, if you started a new game, then used undo to get back to your old game you could get your old card state (almost finished, if you so left it) but the elapsed time would be counted from when you started the new game--hence the ultra low elapsed times. You can't do that anymore. Tamarap will have to earn his/her place in the high score table the old fashioned way. :-)

  • i'm at a job right now where i'm sitting in front of a computer for 9 hours a day, so when i get home, i'm usually not in the mood to even think about going near one :P

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