
klondike 3t its being like this for quite a while lots of times scoreboard showing nothing but errors and what if I got first place without being acknowledged so much work for nothing please fix it asap


  • I get error messages that say my score has been saved for multiple games. Klondike starts with the same game over and over.

  • Isn’t it surprising that so many people complain about these score problems. Instead of just playing and having pleasure out of each game played. This idea of competition, trying to be better than others… this is the thing that causes all the ugly unrest in the world.
    Why can’t we just be happy with what we do, without comparing oneself with other people ?

  • I completely agree with you, Abacus, and I'm so tired of people complaining all the time. I play for my own enjoyment, and don't really care whether I get a score or not, or whether I got first place or 999th, but then, I guess other people are way more competitive than I am.

  • Agree w/zombie. Same issue for Klondike 1, and Seahaven towers. i just want to see how I did. I don't expect to "beat" other players, just want to see how I did. Abacus and grammajo issue trophys for participation.

  • I play at Greenfelt because I enjoy comparing my results with others. I'm not particularly fast, but I enjoy comparing how many moves I make compared with others. Please fix the problem!

  • paolo50paolo50 REGISTERED
    edited May 2017

    I usually play 40thieves where the same problem exists. So I close the ERROR window (clicking on the 'close the window' link, or on the red 'X' botton up on the right), then I click on the menu command 'High Scores' eventually clicking on 'RETRY'. After two or tree 'retry' the scores windows opens and I can see score, moves and time of the current game. It could be necessary to wait some seconds, but it works.

  • yey, paolo50 I did what you suggested and it worked for me too now I will know in what position I finished for all my games regardless of the back end server problems which are getting very solid now as we speak it was intermittent I think the server is in the brink of total collapse but in the meantime I just hope that some rich tech philanthropist hear from greenfelt woes and donate a super fast super computer so they can use it as the back end server ha ha, and by the way, as steve said I dont play to compete with my fella players I do it to compete with myself trying to lower my best times I can barely break the two minutes mark now breaking the one minute mark will be my ultimate achievement, Im afraid that as more people know about paolo50 retry rout then could the server be overwhelmed again in this rout so we will be in the same predicament all over again, anyway, thanksyawllforyourgoodcomments

  • i'd just like to see my score. but i agree about not complaining. "they" already know the problems. it will either be fixed or not.

  • This is a free game. I don't think it's very nice to complain when things go wrong.

  • paolo50paolo50 REGISTERED
    edited May 2017

    thanks zombie! you are right, and now more people will play games to show us theyr ability, ending many 200-moves-games-in-less-than-2-seconds! God bless them :smiley: as for me I am satisfied even if I am the 133th, but I am glad when I finish 40 thieves or spider with a 104 score. we all hope this problem will be soon fixed, anyway it is a free game (or better: a lot of free games), and this is the first time in several years that a problem hasn't been resolved by the staff. let's play and enjoy the games and let's dream some rich tech philanthropist, why not? ciao from Milano, Italy

  • Is anybody reading these comments? I believe having played this over a year. First it took my login name. Now, most of the time the backend loader is not working and I can't get may score. Now the icon doesn't work. Is this site ready to explode in flame? Kraut1

  • This "error" has been for quite awhile now. I give up after awhile, and will eventually quit - what's the point of playing? Why can't it be fixed?

  • I'm done. I got one score - in 10 games.

  • Yes, there are currently problems with the site that are taking time to rectify.
    But I personally still enjoy playing - and coping with its idiosyncrasies just adds another level of challenge for me.

    Use the New Game button on the toolbar to bring up different games or change the game number by clicking on the number box to the right of the tool bar.

    The leader board may not come up, but you can get the high scores.
    Go to the game you want to play and click the high score box in the tool bar.
    It may come up with the error message, but if you persist it will come up - just a different game of patience!

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