Have the creators of the web site just said the hell with it?

A lack of communication is just unreal. No explanation at all! I don't get it, I really don't.


    edited May 2017

    "We're working on it. It's more involved that it seems at first glance. Our machine was old 10 years ago and just doesn't handle the current traffic load. We've got a new machine that we're setting up but it's a slow process." -david March 16

    Twelve years, or so, ago two guys decide to create a solitaire site, most likely because they enjoy playing the game. And it became extremely popular (more than 10 people join every day, by my estimate), with the rest of us who enjoy playing solitaire. So popular that the billionth game was played on July 30, 2016. https://blog.greenfelt.net/2016/09/16/over-1-billion-served/

    So popular that the equipment they have to run this site has been overloaded to the point of needing more/newer/more expensive equipment. I expect David and Jim have careers, and families, and other obligations, and this site, for which they receive no remuneration, and sparse gratitude, might be lower on their list of obligations than we, who spend much of our own time here, would imagine.

    I can also attest to the fact that there are a dozen comments, such as yours, posted every day. Very few people, it seems, take the time to check other posted comments to realize that this is a common, and ongoing, problem or to see if there have been any replies or answers to their, or others, queries. I don't imagine Dave and Jim would rather spend their time replying to each and every complaint, or comment, about what's going on, instead of working on the problem.

    And too many people are demanding, and rather rudely, that this problem be fixed, immediately, with little or no thought about how complex, or costly, or time consuming, a remedy might be.

    Hope this helps... Sage, happily playing Greenfelt since June 2008. :)

  • Sage, we appreciate your defence of this very entertaining web site. The Green Felt News area has been used by the developers in the past and this would be an appropriate area for Dave and/or Jim to offer at least an update on what's happening.

  • Amen and well done, Sage! You've always been the steady one, the helpful one through the years.

    People should take time to read past commentaries. See David, Jim, you and many others in action, as it were. Greenfelt is quite remarkable.

  • I agree with Sage, soooo many reports about the exact same thing. As for scores, they do come up on the odd occasion and I was posting them on a daily basis via the forum. On the days I can get them, I will continue to do so and hopefully some of the whingers will give the Greenfelt Guys a break.

  • I had expressed a concern over the lack of communication and stand by that, not a criticism of the problem itself. However, tonight it's worked just fine! I love this site and would gladly pay say $5-10/month for access to the games and scores (assuming the scores work properly). But please ... communicate on status.

  • Be patient.The problem has been explained.If you are still not happy with the present situation try another site.I have played a few and they do not compare with Greenfelt.Sure'ly,it's worth waiting for.

  • Unless there is a paid version of Greenfelt that I don't know about...this site is free. I appreciate the simplicity of this site. I don't need bells and whistles in order to enjoy a game of solitaire. I realize that some people are more competitive than I am and want to "win" but I am content with the scores that are given at the end of each game.

    Thanks Greenfelt for the hours of entertainment that I have experienced on this site.

  • Thank you all for all of your thoughts on this issue but still no one seems to know exactly what is going on. I am relatively new to the site but have seen that in the past David and or Jeff have kept people updated on the problems with the site. I love the site but a little communication would be nice. That's all I'm saying.

  • I am past being upset if my score doesn't compute. I play sea haven towers so it is evident if i succeed or not, I do not need to know how I compare to others. I would be lost w/out Green Felt!

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