
Game: klondike
Game #: 514287315
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JS-Version: 2017-03-20_13:45:16_-0700_a12f6d5a639285330b57d0176a99377b36624118

Please describe the problem in detail:

I don't understand why this "score" problem can't be solved, and fixed. This has been going on for months. Come on, why can't you guys get your act together and for once and for all, solve and fix the problem. Thanks. sandradeo17


  • david (Green Felt Guy) posted this, on March 27th:
    "Yes. We are working on it. The current status is we're waiting on a disk to arrive so that we can move the database to a faster machine. Our database is so big that it takes almost a day to replicate the data. It's also so big that pricing for having someone else host it for us is unacceptably high. So we have to build everything ourselves and it's slow going."

    I think David and Jim have their act very well together, to have started and continue to run this site, years later, and we really don't have anything to complain about, if all is not the way we think it should be, do we?

  • David and Jim put their own time and money into keeping this site running.We don't.Leader board or no Leader board, just enjoy the Game of the Day as it is .It's still competitive.What's all the fuss.

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