Feature requests
I wonder if the feature request are even taking in consideration. They are looked at, but no reply, positive or negative from the makers of the site.... Come on guys, let us know if the requaest are feasible or not.
I would like to have my name removed . I'm most always dead last and take longer than the others and I know
everyone laughs at me.....Please remove my name. I wish I'd never put it on ....nelliebly Remove please.
It will make me feel better. If you don't , then I'm just gonna quit playing anymore.
Remember that the Greenfelt Guys are just ordinary people with daytime jobs and families as well as trying to keep this great site up and running and they don't get paid for their time. Thanksgiving and Christmas are pretty much here so they may not always have time to sort out our issues straight away. They do a great job even if they can't please everybody so please be patient
@nellieby, Nobody laughs at you—there are a lot of people playing and it's really hard to get even a top 10 on the games of the day. Nonetheless, you can always just click the "Logoff" button in the top right corner and play anonymously.
@Abacus, All forum posts get emailed to both @jim and I. We read everything, and even if we don't respond, we have at least mentally tallied what issues people are having and what features they want. A lot of times the questions and requests are repeats and, while it's not anyone's fault that they ask the same things, it gets tiring repeating the same thing over and over. Perhaps in that case we should update the FAQ.