
Game: klondike

Game #: 981138091

What would you like to see?

A time clock during play. That might be very helpful.

Also, the folks that basically cheat and have ridiculously high scores.......not good for your site.


  • I agree with ThomCat -- I basically discount anyone who finishes in under a minute and cast a jaundiced eye on those who finish in under two minutes. So, Greenfelt, do some testing on your own and publish your official times. Tell the truth and shame the devil. ;)

  • So, there's no accounting for skill, and practice, in your calculations of who's cheating and who isn't? And by practice I mean LOTS! :-O

  • Well said.It's about time these unsubstantiated claims of cheating ceased.This site should be used for more informative observations not baseless infantile accusations.The name of the game is SOLITAIRE.It was created as a singular playing game regardless of the leader board everybody plays in their own particular way at their own pace and this should be respected.If players can't grasp the concept of this they should try something else.

  • I would like to know what kind of browsers the 10 second winners use. I have to wait for the cards to slowly float up to their berth until I can make the next move. I used to play much faster when I had the game stored on my computer.


    @laineethecat, check your browser's zoom level. We've seen most browsers have terrible performance if you zoom in or out. Make sure your zoom is 100% and use the card size menu to adjust the size if you need to.

    If you're zoomed correctly then things should be reasonably fast. Obviously newer computers will be faster than older ones, but either way green felt shouldn't be too taxing. What kind of computer/browser are you using?

  • ThomCat 2 and PoppyGirl:

    Shame the devil? This devil is 86, been playing 2 years, am now cutting time occasionally to under a minute. It's always a surprise to see those scores. As Sage says, takes lots of practice, lots of training self to see what's there.

  • Nice to know there are others older than myself.I am 76 and still enjoy playing on this site.The more practice, the more adept you become.It's a natural progression.Enjoy the game for you'r own sake that's what really matters.

  • Iaineethecat - sometimes my cards get floaty when my computer is doing background security checks etc.

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