not allowed to move valid cards

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited October 2007 in Bug Reports (Resolved)
You have this version on Wikipedia, and is seems tobe fundementally flawed. It will not allow me to move a valid run, king high from one column to a blank valid card space. It will not allow me to move a red three to a black 4 because the column reaches beyond the borderof the restricted playing table. i'm sure there are other problems, and I would give you a more detailed description of the errors above, but I do not think I can switch back and forth between game and comments


    wkfyler wrote:
    You have this version on Wikipedia, and is seems tobe fundementally flawed. It will not allow me to move a valid run, king high from one column to a blank valid card space.


    It would help if we knew which game you were refering to. I'm guessing Spider, but I'm not sure. It you could not move a valid run that would be a major bug. Please let us know the details, so we can try and fix it.
    wkfyler wrote:
    It will not allow me to move a red three to a black 4 because the column reaches beyond the borderof the restricted playing table.

    We offer two solutions to this. Scroll your window before trying to move or resize the cards using the provided drop down menu (medium sized cards are the default).
    wkfyler wrote:
    i'm sure there are other problems, and I would give you a more detailed description of the errors above, but I do not think I can switch back and forth between game and comments

    You should be able to switch back and forth and your comment and game should stay in tact (with Firefox at least).

    Thanks for the feedback.
    jim wrote:
    wkfyler wrote:
    i'm sure there are other problems, and I would give you a more detailed description of the errors above, but I do not think I can switch back and forth between game and comments
    You should be able to switch back and forth and your comment and game should stay intact (with Firefox at least).
    You could also open the forum in another browser window or tab...

    I echo Jim's other sentiments. Please give us more info; we do our best to make the games work right.


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