Frustrated with Log-in
Game: klondike
Game #: 2036270864
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_3) AppleWebKit/600.5.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.5 Safari/600.5.17
Please describe the problem in detail: I won a game - not this one. I was #5. But it said "anonymous" I tried to "log-in" with my sign-on and password. It would not recognize it. I have this info written in a black book and have used it before when - for some reason - something wipes it out. I am not sure why not I cannot "login". Frustrated. FYI, my sign-on is MustangGT. If you can send me any insight I would really appreciate it. Thanks so much.
Hi MustangGT,
It looks like you are logging in over and over with the correct password and that you are correctly logged in and able to play games. Something is clearly not working, but I'm not sure what at this point. I see what further I can determine.
I can't log in with the button on the top right. I have to play a game anonymously first and then use the log in button on the scoreboard. I posted about it, but got no reply. Can you check this out for me, Jim?