unfair advantage

Game: klondike

Game #: 611753236

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Complained several times about this person.  libn777  They won this game in 21 seconds.  They've won some others in 6 seconds or something in that ball park.  The rest of us playing this game won the game in the ball park of about a minute or less or a little more.  There is NO way people can win a game in 6 to 21 seconds.  I think they have a software. I feel it is very unfair for us who really play the game.


  • I AM THE BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Seriously, greenfelt, there are so many complaints about these speed-demon morons who can finish these games in such a short time it ruins it for a lot of the real players here.  I would like to suggest a possible solution.  You were kind enough to offer us all an alternate method of scoring, one involving the number of moves first and the time second.  I've been playing for a while using that method of scoring.  I think it is much more fair than the time-only method. 

    So, for a trial run, why don't you disable the time-only method of scoring and only allow the method where the number of moves is primary and the time secondary?  Let's give it a run and see if that works better?  If it doesn't cut down on the complaints, you can always go back to what is there now.

    What do you say?


    Hi AKat,

    Thanks for your suggestion.  We believe that if we made "sort by moves" the default choice, it would soon be gamed as well.  If someone can practice a given shuffle to achieve a fast play, they can certainly apply their same dedication to optimize their moves.  The only reason you don't see more of it is because it's not the default.

    The fundamental problem is that "the game of the day", i.e. a specific shuffle that every plays each day, is fundamentally incompatible with all the things we can think of to make it hard for players to practice that game before submitting their solution.

    The real solution is to learn to play Spider.  You don't and won't see people gaming it, because the games are too long to be able to memorize.  I can't wait to be proven wrong of course!

    Have fun,

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