
AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited February 2015 in Bug Reports
Darn Seahaven will not display a game, again.
Plz advise?!


  • Seahaven is my favourite form of solitaire and I have, as yet, not had a problem with it.
    The only frustration I have is that other players are apparently clearing all the cards in less than a minute, which I think means either I am exceptionally slow and everyone else is a genius or there is some method of winning that I am not aware of!
    Dave_S wrote:
    either I am exceptionally slow and everyone else is a genius or there is some method of winning that I am not aware of!

    What have you tried?

    I assume you are familiar with dragging runs of cards at the same time, but did you know that you can often assume boring moves are done for you and just do the move you want and the game will fill in the blanks. Say, you want to move a card that is one down in a tableau, then just grab it and move it and the card that was in the way will move to say a free cell without you having to move it yourself. Likewise when dropping a card. If you'd normally need to move a card out of the way first, you can just assume the game will do it for you. Usually it will. Tricks like this save time. There are more, but I'll leave you to discover them.

    Second, learn the keyboard shortcuts for undo, redo and auto-play. Press auto-play all the time instead of doing moves by hand.

    The third thing is practice on individual shuffles. I can't stand this, so I'm never at the top anymore, but if you play a few times and incorporate the tricks above I think you'll find your times decreasing. Only your first game with a given score is counted on the leader board, so you'll need to logout or never do the last move when you practice.

    You might try these techniques to see if they help your score. If you do, please report back and let us know how they work.

    Have fun,

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