Leaderboard placements

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited January 2015 in Feature Requests
Love the feature that shows I placed X out of YY at the end of individual games. Would it be possible to include the total amount of players/games played in the Leaderboards?

When I have completed an individual game of Scorpion, for example, I know I have finished, say, 22nd out of 154. But if the next day I look at the Leaderboard at the previous days results, it shows I have finished, say, 72nd ...... But out of how many?

Love this site. Keep up the good work. Please, please consider including Maze in Leaderboard results.



    JoL2 wrote:
    When I have completed an individual game of Scorpion, for example, I know I have finished, say, 22nd out of 154. But if the next day I look at the Leaderboard at the previous days results, it shows I have finished, say, 72nd ...... But out of how many?

    That's a great idea, but it might be hard to do. I'll take a look.


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