Feature request link wipes out the whole game!

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited June 2007 in Feature Requests
The height of the Spider page changes as you move cards around. This causes things to move up and down a bit. Thus the "Undo" button, and link for this feature request page to occupy the same space on the screen at different times, since one is right above the other. You can have a great game going, and then wham... you're on the feature request page, and your game is history.

Could that link be moved?


  • Jim, I just saw your reply to me under my old user (lost my login info), nonce.

    Nope, that didn't do it. It still wipes out my game if I hit the back button. I'm using Opera 9.2.

    jroon wrote:
    Jim, I just saw your reply to me under my old user (lost my login info), nonce.

    Yea. One day we''ll merge the users so that the forum shares the login with the games.
    jroon wrote:
    Nope, that didn't do it. It still wipes out my game if I hit the back button. I'm using Opera 9.2.

    Interesting. I tested with Opera 9.20 and it works for me. I move a card, click on the forum, hit back and the card is still there. Did you try reloading or restarting opera first to get the latest version of the game? What operating system are you using?

    jroon wrote:
    The height of the Spider page changes as you move cards around. This causes things to move up and down a bit. Thus the "Undo" button, and link for this feature request page to occupy the same space on the screen at different times, since one is right above the other. You can have a great game going, and then wham... you're on the feature request page, and your game is history.

    I agree that is annoying. Until we can fix it, you might try using Control-Z for undo so that you don't have to click on the button.

  • Interesting. Ctrl-z didn't used to work but it does now. Cool. I'm happy!

    Also, I tested the browser back button and it worked a little while ago without losing my game, but didn't just now. I was not logged in when I tried before but was just now. No matter, though, because I'm happy to use Ctrl-z.


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