Sirtet - Up and down arrow keys don't work

edited May 2007 in Bug Reports (Resolved)
In Sirtet, the up and down arrow keys don't work when the instructions say they do something. (up arrow rotate, and down arrow hard drop).


    In Sirtet, the up and down arrow keys don't work when the instructions say they do something. (up arrow rotate, and down arrow hard drop).

    They do for me in Firefox 1.5 and I.E 6. I'll try out Firefox 2.0.

  • jim wrote:
    In Sirtet, the up and down arrow keys don't work when the instructions say they do something. (up arrow rotate, and down arrow hard drop).

    They do for me in Firefox 1.5 and I.E 6. I'll try out Firefox 2.0.

    It doesn't work in Firefox 2.0. Now I remember why I started to revamp our key handling. It was to fix this very issue. Somewhere along the way I got stuck and forgot why I started. :) I'll look into it again.

  • Depends on the browser...

    So, these routines just don't work in Firefox 2.0 (which I was using at the time).

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