FC game 2006 is interesting

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited May 2007 in General Discussion
You can win freecell game 2006 just by double-clicking on cards. I thought that was kind of interesting.


    You can win freecell game 2006 just by double-clicking on cards. I thought that was kind of interesting.

    Hmm, I would think you could win every freecell game just by double clicking. Can you find a game where you actually have to drag?

  • That's a good point, double-clicking does the same thing as dragging, so I guess you should be able to win every game just with double-clicks.

    Game 2006 just seemed to be a game where almost every move is a one-card move, so it's actually pretty convenient to use all double-clicks.

    I can think of a case where you might need to click & drag instead of double-click:

    When you double click a card that has a spot in the foundation piles, it will always go there. This disregards a general strategy of freecell, which is that you shouldn't build up any one foundation too far ahead of another foundation with the opposite color, otherwise you will have cards on the board that have no card they can be played on (I think they explain it a little better in the freecell entry on wikipedia).

    So, in rare cases, I think the double-clicking could build up a foundation too quickly and cause you to lose the game, although I don't have an example.
    jim wrote:
    You can win freecell game 2006 just by double-clicking on cards. I thought that was kind of interesting.

    Hmm, I would think you could win every freecell game just by double clicking. Can you find a game where you actually have to drag?


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