Game #2550730490

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited April 2007 in Bug Reports (Resolved)
The spades are building in the clubs foundation and the clubs are building in the spades foundation. :?


    midge wrote:
    The spades are building in the clubs foundation and the clubs are building in the spades foundation. :?

    Right. The foundation labels are just there for show for now. It didn't seem worth the effort to force a match given that it doesn't affect the game play at all. It is a bit disconcerting though, I agree.

    jim wrote:
    midge wrote:
    The spades are building in the clubs foundation and the clubs are building in the spades foundation. :?
    Right. The foundation labels are just there for show for now.
    Actually, they are supposed to go to the right foundations, but it got broken recently. I just pushed up a fix and it should behave properly now.


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