Unable to move cards to different column

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited August 2014 in Bug Reports
Game: klondike
Game #: 1829140947
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.116 Safari/537.36

Please describe the problem in detail:When I click on an upturned card in order to move it, it does not always respond. This appears to happen at random - I try reloading the game and sometimes I get lucky and can play numerous games with no problem.

I have noticed that, by clicking the 3rd unturned card above the card I want to move, this works, but when there are only 2 unturned cards behind the card to be moved, I have to end the game


    hughby wrote:
    When I click on an upturned card in order to move it, it does not always respond. This appears to happen at random - I try reloading the game and sometimes I get lucky and can play numerous games with no problem.

    I have noticed that, by clicking the 3rd unturned card above the card I want to move, this works, but when there are only 2 unturned cards behind the card to be moved, I have to end the game

    Hi hughby

    Thanks for the detailed report. It looks like you are using Chrome on Windows 8.1. We'll take a look and see if we can duplicate the problem there. To be clear, are you saying that when you grab the 3rd unturned card, what moves is the upturned card? Or grabbing the 3rd card move it and the 2nd and the 1st and the upturned card all to some place? In the meantime, next time this happens can you try click off the top of the stack of cards where the one you want to move is? Maybe the whole stack is somehow offset?


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