A real nuisance

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited June 2014 in Bug Reports
That "report bug" right over the "undo" button is SO STUPID! Would you, please, move it to where it cannot be accidentally clicked when trying to undo a move? Thanks.


    Guest wrote:
    That "report bug" right over the "undo" button is SO STUPID! Would you, please, move it to where it cannot be accidentally clicked when trying to undo a move? Thanks.

    We agree, but we haven't fixed that yet because in the end the mouse is a slow and tedious way to perform Undo. We suggest using "Control-Z", (⌘-Z on a Mac) or "right-click" ("two-finger-click" or "Control-click" on a Mac). We did try and move the links out of the way on the iPad where there is no better way to perform undo until we setup swipe left for undo there.

  • jim wrote:
    Guest wrote:
    That "report bug" right over the "undo" button is SO STUPID! Would you, please, move it to where it cannot be accidentally clicked when trying to undo a move? Thanks.

    We agree, but we haven't fixed that yet because in the end the mouse is a slow and tedious way to perform Undo. We suggest using "Control-Z", (⌘-Z on a Mac) or "right-click" ("two-finger-click" or "Option-click" on a Mac). We did try and move the links out of the way on the iPad where there is no better way to perform undo until we setup swipe left for undo there.


    Actually, that's Ctrl-click not Option-click :P
    Guest wrote:
    jim wrote:
    We suggest using "Control-Z", (⌘-Z on a Mac) or "right-click" ("two-finger-click" or "Option-click" on a Mac).
    Actually, that's Ctrl-click not Option-click :P
    Thanks. I edited my post. I think I pressed Option and then double clicked, which of course worked. :)


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