Invisible cards in Spider

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited January 2007 in Bug Reports
2 or 3 cards are usually invisible in Spider, which makes the game very hard to win!

You don't know the invisible cards are there until you deal the next row, when suddenly there's a gap in the column. Even then you don't know which card it is. This happens in IE and Firefox. It always happens in my Win XP system, and occasionally on my Win 98 system. It would be good to have this fixed please.


    zarabee wrote:
    2 or 3 cards are usually invisible in Spider, which makes the game very hard to win!

    You don't know the invisible cards are there until you deal the next row, when suddenly there's a gap in the column. Even then you don't know which card it is. This happens in IE and Firefox. It always happens in my Win XP system, and occasionally on my Win 98 system. It would be good to have this fixed please.

    I've seen that with firefox many times. It's quite annoying. Usually a Shift-Reload (hold shift while performing a reload) will fix it. You'll lose your current game if you do that though. If you're in the middle of a game, you could change the card size as a stopgap measure until you finish, then to a reload.

    We believe it's a bug in firefox. Most often (but not always) for me, it's the king of clubs that's blank. Sometimes I even see a piece of a google map as one of the cards! There's no way we could have accidentally done that!

    I'm really surprised you see it in I.E. Are you sure? If so, that would point more to something on our server.

    zarabee wrote:
    2 or 3 cards are usually invisible in Spider, which makes the game very hard to win!

    Please let us know exactly when this happens next time. Maybe I'll be able to see that a few of the cards are not being returned to you in our server logs.

    Thanks for the report,

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