
AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited May 2014 in Bug Reports
Game: klondike
Game #: 244290317
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.137 Safari/537.36

Please describe the problem in detail:
i might not have been the first or 2nd, etc but it definitely did not take me 14+ minutes to complete the game -whats up?

Also, I have not heard back about the ghost card problem I had posted about a while ago. Any reason why this happens, if so what can I do to stop it? Anyone else experience this?


    blinda wrote:
    i might not have been the first or 2nd, etc but it definitely did not take me 14+ minutes to complete the game -whats up?

    It's unclear. The dates we have on file for that game are:

    start: Fri May 23 11:28:43 PDT 2014
    end: Fri May 23 11:42:50 PDT 2014

    So I'm not sure which one is incorrect (they are shown in Pacific Time Zone since that is the timezone that our server and Jim and I are in).

    We start timing the second the page loads and the game is dealt. So if you loaded the page and walked away from the computer or something then that time is counted. You can pause before leaving and then the time won't be counted, or you can hit the "replay" when you come back to start the timer over. But if that wasn't the case, then I'm not sure what could have happened.
    Also, I have not heard back about the ghost card problem I had posted about a while ago. Any reason why this happens, if so what can I do to stop it? Anyone else experience this?
    This is (we firmly believe) a bug in Chrome. Pausing the game causes the cards to go transparent (for fairness reasons and because it looks neat). Sometimes when unpausing, Chrome doesn't set one of the cards back to opaque. It's random, it doesn't happen all the time and it's hard to debug because when we switch to our debugger window it auto-pauses.

    This is on our list of things to fix, but it's tough. In the meantime, if you pause the game and then unpause it, it will fix itself.

  • Get rid of ghost cards by leaving that particular game. Either go back to leader board or another game then return to the ghost game and the cards should be rectified.
    jabba wrote:
    Get rid of ghost cards by leaving that particular game. Either go back to leader board or another game then return to the ghost game and the cards should be rectified.


    Does a pause / unpause fix the ghosting?

  • I think that is it. I have never used the pause purposely but have hit is accidentally and that must be where the problem is. Thank you much, what an annoyance!
    Now, for a question that is not a bug with game - any way to keep up the pace when cat is licking your hand while you are playing??
  • Put a tiny bit of citronella (and I do mean tiny) on your hand. The smell should put the cat off!

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