Where did I go?
I've been a Green Felt addict for years. I've always stayed logged in. A few days ago I got on and was logged out. I couldn't retrieve my password so I re-registered. it allowed me use the same user name and e-mailed me a registration link which I followed. I got a registration complete message. Now it says I'm logged in, but I can't get back to the game page. I tried to reset my password, it told me my email was invalid. If I go out and go back in, I get the game page, but I can't log in. Am I doing something wrong?
Sadly, the forum and the games have separate accounts. Please email me with your new password and we'll change it for you. Your account name is Tonka (with a capital T). My address is at the bottom of game pages. You can login at the top right corner of any game page.