General questions

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited March 2014 in Feature Requests
I had a few simple general questions. I like being able to select the card back, but maybe you need more to choose from (such as a house cat). Also, I know the site is called Green Felt, but could we change the background as well? When playing, is there any way to be able to turn off or minimize the top section of the screen? When I play, the screen cuts off the cards until I manually move the screen, then as cards disappear or reappear, the screen moves. I would prefer to just have the game itself (with index at top) be full screen without having to move it yourself.


    I like being able to select the card back, but maybe you need more to choose from (such as a house cat).

    Thanks for the suggestion. When we add new card backs, we'll try and add a cat.
    I know the site is called Green Felt, but could we change the background as well?

    We might eventually, but it's not high on our list of things to do.
    When playing, is there any way to be able to turn off or minimize the top section of the screen? When I play, the screen cuts off the cards until I manually move the screen, then as cards disappear or reappear, the screen moves. I would prefer to just have the game itself (with index at top) be full screen without having to move it yourself.

    This suggestion we are actively working on! We understand your frustration. That doesn't mean it'll happen soon, but it will happen!


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