Choosing deck not working properly

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited February 2014 in Bug Reports
I like to use a single deck back when I play because anything else is distracting. I always just choose the France As Flag option. This worked fine until this evening. Now the deck option will not let me use just the one back I choose. Even with everything unchecked but the France As Flag, it throws in another choice, apparently at random.

BTW, while we are on the topic, that new deck option is really poorly designed. Why on earth do I have to uncheck so many options every time I log in to get what I want? Why not just have an ALL and RANDOM option for people who would like those. Then let those of us who just want one or two choices, pick those individually without having to uncheck everything we don't want?

Thank you.


  • I've resolved part of the issue above. I had downloaded a font that decided to install a new toolbar on my browser. I believe that is what was screwing up Forty Thieves for me. I removed the toolbar and everything else I could find that they installed, and it seems to be more or less back to normal now.

    I still wish you would simplify choosing a deck though. It's far too lengthy the way you have it now.

    Thank you.
    AKat wrote:
    while we are on the topic, that new deck option is really poorly designed. Why on earth do I have to uncheck so many options every time I log in to get what I want?

    The reason is that we thought that people would hate a few backs more then they liked a specific one. It seems that people, at least the vocal ones, do not.
    AKat wrote:
    Why not just have an ALL and RANDOM option for people who would like those. Then let those of us who just want one or two choices, pick those individually without having to uncheck everything we don't want?

    We've changed the way the back menu work just now due to your feedback. If you have never made a choice, then everything should be unchecked to start, so it should be easier to just add the few Decks you like.

    Maybe people will complain that they have to check all but the one they don't like? Let's hope that positively checking Decks they do like puts people in a better mood then unchecking the ones they don't like.

    Let us know if you see any issues with the change.

    Have fun,
  • Thanks! I really appreciate you taking the time to reply to me and for giving us such a lovely site!

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